Kathrin Hutson
author : Kathrin Hutson
Kathrin Hutson has been writing Fantasy and Sci-Fi for the last 16 years. She started her Fantasy series, Gyenona’s Children, in 2007 and has finally brought it to the world of Indie Authors. In addition to writing dark and enchanting fiction, Kathrin spends the other half of her time as an Independent Editor through her company KLH CreateWorks (www.klhcreateworks.com) and as Chief Editor for Collaborative Writing Challenge (www.collaborativewritingchallenge.com). She finds just as much joy and enthusiasm in working closely with other fiction authors on their incredible novels as she does in writing her own. Kathrin lives in California with her husband and two dogs, Sadie and Brucewillis, and is constantly on the lookout for other upcoming authors, great new books, and more people with whom to share her love of words. www.facebook.com/kathrinhutsonfiction \r\nwww.kathrinhutsonfiction.com